April is Earth day

How to help our planet? For the month of April, as a class, we will list ideas of how to make our planet cleaner and ways to help plants. For extra credit,you will need to write a one page essay on how you helped the environment and give an example. Have your parents sign it and turn it to me no later than may 2,2010. Recycling is a GREAT way to start.

Here is an idea of recycling
Do you ever wonder where all of our glass, plastic and paper go after we sort them for recycling? Here’s a simple breakdown of how each material is processed and reused.

Glass bottles and jars are taken to a glass recycling depot where they are crushed into little bits, mixed with sand and other materials, and melted in a really hot furnace. Molten glass looks a lot like lava from a volcano. It is then poured into molds and shaped into new objects.

Plastic bottles are ground up and shaped into small pellets. These pellets can be melted and made into all sorts of things, including new containers, drainpipes and car bumpers. Shredded pop bottles can even be used as fluffy filling for pillows, sleeping bags, quilts and jackets!

Newspaper is cleaned and reshaped into egg cartons, boxboard and ceiling insulation. Regular printer paper is cleaned, mixed with new wood pulp and rolled into paper. Other products that can be made from recycled paper include bathroom tissue, cardboard tubes and boxes.


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Welcome back students from your wonderful spring break vacation. There is more fun lessons to learn to finish this year with new exciting wildlife and environmental land . 

Field Trip: Exploring Wildlife

For the month of December, We will cover topics on the Wildlife. For Decembers field trip, the class will be going to a everglades tour of the Shark valley tram. This will enhance your knowledge on sharks and will allow you to explore the nature life. Please make sure you turn in all paper forms with a $15 Payment no later than November 28,2010

Science this week : Endanger animals Project

Pair up with a partner and branistorm a list of extinct animals. Think of the reasons why animals become extinct and list preventions. Create a poster and be creative! Design a poster letting others know how to help endanger animals today. For example, causes like, pollution, hunting, clothing purposes can be reasons why animals are endangered today.